Where Has All My Running Gone?

So I haven’t written about running. In two years. That’s a lot of time! A brief update is in order, please see below. 🙂

Over the past two years, I went through a lot of changes in my running. I started running every day with Cody, which helped both of us really improve on speed. We never were training for a race at the same time so when I was pushing distance, he was going easy on the miles, and visa versa. Sometimes it sucked, but usually it was nice to have someone pushing you every single day. 😉

Now for my big races! I ran the Denver Rock n’ Roll marathon in Oct. 2012!! And…Drum roll please…I ran a 50K in Aug 2013!! I think that is probably the biggest accomplishment ever for me!!

Time for the bad news…during my 50K, my knee really started bugging me around mile 25. I pushed through to the end, but by the end, I was literally walking 90% and running 10%. However, I had already registered for the Denver Rock n’ Roll Marathon about a month later, so I tried to rest a bit/taper for the marathon. Great idea, right? So, long (read: painful) story short, I had to ride the shuttle from mile 16 of the race back to the start. Not the best way to finish a race, let me tell you. The medal definitely does not feel earned that way! But don’t worry, I got one anyway (I paid for it!).

So, since that race last fall, I really haven’t been running at all. I started lifting for awhile with Noah to strengthen my knee, then I switched jobs so I couldn’t go to the gym with Noah at lunch, I couldn’t run with Cody at lunch, I started commuting 45 min to and from work, and it was all I could do to get to the gym and do anything.

To skip the more boring details, I ended up joining a new gym and starting a new conditioning class at 6 am on Mon, Wed, and Fri, and a Body Pump class at 6 am on Tues and Thurs. I’m really liking my new schedule now and if I could get used to getting up so early, I would be doing great!!

Did I mention it was a brief update?